Monday, 7 October 2013

Arturia Jupiter-8V 2.5.5 WIN & MAC OSX [FREE DOWNLOAD]

The Jupiter-8 is an 8-voice polyphonic synthesizer with a 61-note (C-C) keyboard. Each voice consists of 2 VCOs. VCO1 is switchable between triangle, sawtooth, pulse, and square waves and can be switched between 4 octaves. VCO2 has the same options except the square wave is replaced by a noise generator switch and it has the same 4 octave range, with a switch to put it into "Low Frequency range". There is a simple mixer that balances the level of the two oscillators. There is a single slider to control the amount of cross-modulation of VCO-1 by VCO-2. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is set by a slider to set the level of modulation, and then a switch to select between LFO, ENV-1, or manual PWM. The Jupiter-8 also allows VCO1 to be synced to VCO2. Either or both VCOs can be modulated by either or both of the LFO and ENV1. The LFO features controls for rate, delay, and four waveforms, sine, saw, square, and random (sample-and-hold). LFO2 is triggered by a big white button next to the pitchbend/modulation lever. It is controlled by two switches and two sliders. The switches enable the modulation of the VCO and the VCF and the sliders control the amount of modulation for each destination.

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